Thursday 6 October 2016

Portuguese House.

Goa is a small  state on the western  cost of india though the smallest indian state.Goa has played an influential role in Indian history. Goa was one of the major trade centres in India 

Goa as always been attracting the influential  
Most Goan houses standing today were built between the 18th century and the early part of the 20th century. They display a mix of neo-Classic and neo-Gothic styles 

When I  visited  the small village of goa   St estevam. it was looking like portugal houses .The whole  village  is of  Portuguese  houses. The  climate  was cool and peaceful. The structure  of those  house was Beautiful.  

The structure walls of this Portuguese houses are made of mud and then later of laterite stone; they were usually plastered then painted. Very few buildings are coloured exactly alike and solid color. they are Cool in summer nd warm in winter. 

The interiors of this houses are usually  in  paler colours/white with solid color highlight.  the dim lights. The candal stands.  Furniture. Etc. everything  usually is vintage.  The outside painting of those houses  mostle be with bright colours .

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