Thursday 13 October 2016

Fishing in goa


Traditional fishing in Goa.
Fishing is the chief and the traditional occupation of the Kharvis. Usually after 10 years the boys from the family are sent with the elders of the family to the beach so that they could carry out the same occupation in the near future.
 The different kinds of fishes usually caught on the shores of Goa are ; Pomfret ( Surgutee) , Prawns (Sungta) , Shark (Mori) , Sardines (Tarle ) , Mackerel (Banged) etc.
After Liberation the Kharvis migrated from Maharashtra to Goa and settled near the sea side as they had an excellent knowledge of fishing. Nowadays we don't really find fishing activities carried out in Goa due to education facility and  development in the  state like due to development of barges , fishing quantity is decreased. Whereas we now see that there are many job opportunities open as the youngster are interested in that other than fishing , so after 4 to 5 years fishing activities will be decreased in Goa and the Goan fish markets will be taken over by the people of Maharashtra and Karnataka.
The different types of  modern fishing techniques are :
1)  Hand fishing: where the fisherman or the person uses fishing rod to collect or remove different fishes. 
2) Spearfishing : It is an ancient method of fishing conducted with an ordinary spear or specialised variant such as a harpoon,arrow or eel spear. 
3) Netting :  Fishing. nets are usually meshes formed by knotting a thin thread.  under this there are various and different types of nets used.
4) Line fishing.
5) Angling etc.
Caranzalem beach

Traditional fishing techniques.
  • Stick net:  this is the type of fishing where the fisherman bury stick around the river attached with stick net and the net catches the fishes.
  • Louring: This is very common in Goa, this takes place in all the parts in Goa and in konkani it is known as garovap.
  • Caste net : this is the type of fishing methods usually used during the low tides. the fisherman spreads the net in the water and then catches the fish.
  • Gill net : this type of fishing activity is carried out during the high tides .

     Okay to me when I visited the beach one fine evening I saw that the village boys were busy playing football on the beach where on the other hand people and the firsherfolks from that village were busy pulling up the net off the shore .While there were trucks, fisherwoman ready with their fish baskets ,and the local people and the small children were all gathered near the the raponkars to see them pulling the net.
    they caught a lot fish as you can see in the picture above and these fish is sold to the buyers there for cheap rate and to the fisherfolk at a lower rate in large quantities . I have seen the smile on the face of those people which make them happy on seeing the big catch for that particular day through which they know they would earn a lot of money. If there were no people fishing we would not get fish nor would some people earn their leaving,their family would be probably starving. This takes a lot of courage for the fisherman to go in the middle of the sea for the catch of fish which sometimes risk their life.



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